You are a mature cybersecurity organization. Your mission is to provide the best possible cyber defense. You have the latest technology, multiple threat data sources, and the most skilled and experienced analysts. But if you don’t have Augur predictive threat intelligence, you have a blind spot.
Augur’s must-have predictive threat intel and our complete suite of threat intel data products can help you improve your coverage while reducing your overall threat data costs.
Our threat data products are a must-have for mature SOCs looking to:
- Add proactive protection with predictive threat intelligence.
- Rationalize threat intel costs by consolidating expenditures
- Get cost-effective access to malware samples and hashes
- Access dark web data to reduce risk of breaches
Augur is your best early warning system and your insurance policy against novel threats.Our smart behavioral prediction models identify and group threat actors based on patterns of activity. The platform can then predict novel attacks up to 50 days out. At the time of prediction, these predictions are often +-90% unique compared to other leading threat data sources. Recently, Augur predicted major elements of the Solar Winds, Log4JShell, Colonial Pipeline and ProxyNotShell hacks months ahead of first reports.
Augur has seamless integrations with most major platforms and our tried and tested API makes it quick and easy to integrate with new platforms.