Augur is the single highest-impact security investment you can make after deploying a firewall.
Our data is delivered via hardened API directly to your SIEM, Firewall. SOAR, EDRs, and other security systems. We have off-the-shelf integrations with most leading security platforms.
Augur doesn’t rely on blocklists or malware signatures based on past attacks. Our AI-powered prediction models identify new cybercriminal infrastructure being set up and provide block lists of IPs, CIDRs and domains associated with this infrastructure. Augur predicts and lets you block malicious IPs before traditional threat intel sources, making it your best insurance policy against emerging threats.
Augur predicts malicious infrastructure an average of +50 days before any reported attacks, with 97% accuracy and 0.01% false positives. The platform crunches more than 8TB of threat data daily to make its predictions, correlating it with more than 104 TB of historical data to produce more than 400k highly relevant and accurate attack predictions per year.
Augur is your best early warning system and your insurance policy against zero-day threats.
- Make over 1 million predictions per year (IPs) +300K predicted IPs are confirmed by 3rd party research.
- Customer telemetry detects attempted connections on +200K predicted IPs each year.
- Average early warning time +50 days.
- Average Patient Zero protection time 20 days (time btw. detection of a predicted IP in customer network traffic and its first report by 3rd party sources).
Every single time you proactively block an IP ahead of first detection or third-party confirmation, you’ve actively protected your networks and data from becoming Patient Zero and ending up in the news with a potential major breach.
Our predictive threat data product is perfect for:
- Mature SOCs looking to provide the most complete threat intel coverage possible.
- Any security team, large or small, looking to add a layer of proactive protection against novel threats.
- Organizations with extremely sensitive or high-value data (financial, telecom, defense, oil & gas, R&D, etc.) that would make them target for focused cybercriminal activity.
Augur detects the buildup of cybercriminal infrastructure online before attack launch. The behavior of infrastructure acquisition and setup is both systematic and characteristic.
By profiling and modeling these behavioral patterns, Augur creates attack profiles that include all the infrastructure associated with these threat actors.
Augur has seamless integrations with most major platforms and our tried and tested API makes it quick and easy to integrate with new platforms.